Managing Server In A Distributed Data Centre (1)

In the distributed data centre, there are many elements to consider when developing an overall server IP-based KVM management strategy. Guaranteed Anytime Anywhere Access.

A server management solution should support guaranteed access (anytime, anywhere) to servers regardless of how many users are logged in. Criteria to look for include:

• Secure administrator access to servers over an IP network - from LAN or the Internet
• Non-blocked access to servers (e.g. no conflict for remote access)
• BIOS level access to servers
• No limitations on locations of servers (across the room, across the globe)

Simple and Non-Invasive.
Any server management strategy should reduce complexity and lower the overall IT workload. Deployment, installation and usage of a server management solution should minimize or eliminate impact on the server, its operating systems, services and applications. The solution should offer:

• Simple and quick installation
• No special hardware (management cards, etc.) to install in server
• No special software (drivers, application software) to install and maintain on server
• Operating system and application independent
• Simplified remote maintenance (e.g. Virtual Media support)
• No special software to install and maintain on clients
• Small size (form factor)
• Minimal power consumption and heat generation
• Flexible cabling (utilize CAT5 cabling)
• No special training required to install or operate

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