425,000. That is the number of Nintendo Wii consoles shifted in July in U.S., 11 % more than in June according to NPD. With that they completely outran Sony and Microsoft. PS3 and XBOX360 together did not manage to match that number.
Xbox sales number was 170,000 and, shortly after, comes PS3 which sold 159,000. PS3 sales riced 59 % which presumably was because of their drop on price on their console.
Nintendo is doing great business with their DS taking the second place on the chart.
Here is the consoles listed after how many sold in U.S. in July.
Nintendo Wii - 425,000
Nintendo DS - 405,000
Playstation 2 - 222,000
PSP - 214,000
Micorsoft XBOX360 - 170,000
GameBoy Advance - 87,000
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