Russians Producing Human-Like Robots

In a bid to reduce risk and improve the quality of various services like mining operations, Russian Android Robotics Corp. plans to produce androids in russia and launch them in 2008. At present it offers models that are able to imitate human movements. The given androids are already used at schools and for entertainment.

In July, 2007 the first android AR-100 Dobrynya was created in Russia. The Moscow firm Android Robotics founded in 2004 was engaged in its production. First, the company was engaged in dealer operations only, but about a year ago it started its own developments. Electronics and system software production for robots is carried out by the St. Petersburg company OmegaDigital, while the materials are supplied by the Moscow plant Computing analytic devices.

AR-100 robots are made of aluminum and plastics, their height is about 35 sm, weight – 1.5 kg. The model is able to imitate the main human movements. Designers assure robots outstrip foreign models by the battery service life. About 100 androids have already been produced.

“Our robots are used by educational institutions. The models might be programmed, assembled, disassembled, besides they might be considered as a strong incentive stimulating a child’s independent education, visualizing the process of programming, - Maria Mamykina, Android Robotics project manager tells. – For example, at large-scale exhibitions and forums. Robots can ski and dance. Talks are held to deliver robot groups abroad”. Androids will be also offered to create the unusual interior in offices and at home.

Maria Mamykina tells CNews, AR-400 is being developed at present, which is to exceed its predecessor in size and serve, first of all, as a presenter or bill board. The company hopes to present the given robot till the end of 2007.

Android Robotics does not intend to stop its developments. The company plans to develop and start producing more sophisticated robots in the near future, which will be able not only to educate or entertain but carry out various operations. Android series called I-van (which is to be launched late in 2008) is to comprise the following professions: miners, bodyguards, railwaymen, dancers. The company says nothing about the given robot price, but notes they will be both sold and rented.

The company Android Robotics consider its developments unique for Russia and at present it has no competitor among domestic enterprises. It should be noted, some firms have long been engaged in android development and production world-wide. Thus, the Japanese firm Mitsubishi has designed the android Wakamaru, which can keep up the conversation, accompany office visitors, fulfill the functions of a secretary.

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